

Heirotitan Conversion

We were commissioned for a Heirotitan conversion using spares from the Warsphinx kit.

This was a fairly major conversion, a mix of 'kit-bashing' and scratch building for the various parts of the heirotitan. We pulled it off, though, and for the astonishingly small fee of £15.00

That's right - only £15.00!

That includes the materials used but not the price of the Warsphinx or return postage.

And, as if that isn't enough, the client had us search for a discounted price on the original Warsphinx kit, which we did - only £25.00 when the RRP is £31.00! A shiny new Warsphinx AND your very own Heirotitan conversion for just £40.00, bargain.


Heirotitan conversion from the PaintingPossum conversion service!

Warhammer conversion! Unique, custom Heirotitan conversion from PaintingPossum conversion service!

One of those warhammer units without a miniature, the Tomb Kings Heirotitan conversion is one with almost limitless possibility. The recent Tomb Kings Warsphinx kit has provided a very good basis for several simple Heirotitan conversions, which yield really interesting results!

We were commissioned to put together a Heirotitan conversion using the Warsphinx kit, and we did - leaving all the parts required for a complete Warshpinx, too!

The inspiration for this Heirotitan conversion was drawn heavily from the Egyptian influence present in many Tomb Kings miniatures. This is most evident in the Anubis jackal head on the Heirotitan and the sun-cobra symbol of Ra on the staff.

Work in Progress photographs of the Heirotitan conversion

Warhammer conversion! Unique, custom Heirotitan conversion from PaintingPossum conversion service! Warhammer conversion! Unique, custom Heirotitan conversion from PaintingPossum conversion service! Warhammer conversion! Unique, custom Heirotitan conversion from PaintingPossum conversion service!